Here are this weeks' Questions. Feel free to think of more and share.
Here are this weeks' Questions. Feel free to think of more and share. 1) EASY: Which ex-Niantic Investigator is currently finishing his documentary? a) Hank Johnson. 2) EASY: What Niantic Investigator released a piece of music this week? a) Enoch Dalby 3) EASY: Whose Shards are travelling around the world at this moment. a) Roland Jarvis’ 4) MEDIUM: What language was the cryptic voice in Enoch’s video on YouTube speaking in? a) Russian 5) MEDIUM: Whose Father was believed to be involved in both Bletchley Park and Echelon? a) Susanna Moyer 6) MEDIUM: Who is primarily trying to stop Roland Jarvis shards from reaching Cupid’s Span? a) Dr. Lynton-Wolfe 7) HARD: Which Niantic Investigator is most likely to re-connect Enoch and Carrie? a) Misty 8) HARD: How is Dr. Lynton-Wolfe communicating with his Acolytes? a) RedX 9) HARD: What do you think 13MAGNUS is? a) A Secret Society 10) ULTRA HARD: Who would be most capable of compromising the RedX Phones? 11) ULTRA HARD:...