Types of Simulacrum

Types of Simulacrum

There seems to be a difference between the simulacrum body of Hank Johnson​ (by 13Magnus ritual) and those of the Niantic Project​ simulacra (by Anti-Magnus). It has been alluded to that Jahan and the Anti-Magnus found a way to stabilize the simulacrum state. Something Klue S.​ told H. Richard Loeb​ at the cabin rendezvous.

It's also the reason why Hank and A Detection Algorithm​ fought for the #Recursion Alexandrian artifacts. Jahan herself might be such a simulacrum. Hank was amazed how she was unaffected by the Nest. Hank wondered whether she was a simulacrum or she knew other ancient rituals which could nullify the effect of the Nest on normal human being.

Another possible evidence for Jahan being an Anti-Magnus simulacrum is the voice recording from the IQTech drone. They detected her voice, but there was no body heat signature.

While visiting Paul School​, Hank heard recordings which sounded like Devra Bogdanovich​'s voice and he could make out the words becoming manifest. So, will the energy patterns of the Niantic Project members manifest again as simulacra (perhaps of the Anti-Magnus type)? Will this be one of the outcomes of #Abaddon?

Edgar Allan Wright​ flint dille​ Thomas Greanias​ John Hanke​


  1. So an avatar, then, of an entity whose primary grounding is elsewhere?

  2. The anomaly Abbadon will be, at my point of view a kind of new order to the Niantic Project​. We all know the meaning of Abbadon itself, at that the reason I think that all the characters of the game at this moment will emerge of the anomaly with another significance to the world of ingress... Simulacrum will be the transformation, the revolution of all the participants of epiphany night and the others that come later like jahad and the acolyte... We have to be prepare to changes that will come... Many answers will be reveal. But many others will come...

  3. That doesn't sound bad or unrealistic at all. After all, every religion prays we were created by a superior been. How can we be so sure that even a cartoon has no life after we drop down the pen? We became creators, but how do we know once it's created has no self conscious in another dimension? What you saw was actually a dream Edgar Allan Wright​ or you became conscious of this possibility?

  4. And what of the no-body?It seems that no body is the key. I'm talking about A Detection Algorithm​. She is the outlier. Understand her and you get the whole thing.

  5. 3d hexagons you say...

    From a math site - QUICK ANSWER
    A 3D hexagon is called a hexagonal prism. It has two hexagons for bases and six rectangular sides. A hexagonal prism is classified as an octahedron, which is a three-dimensional geometric object with eight faces.


    This shape is similar to a beehive formation.... A beehive can equate to a collective.... interesting shape to dream about...


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