I received an anonymous message saying, do not forget about Nigel Moyer.

I received an anonymous message saying, do not forget about Nigel Moyer. It might be nothing. It might be something. To tell you the truth, I can not remember last time we heard from or about him. In all honesty, I don't know if he is dead or alive. What do you think?


  1. He's pretty much alive, working on getting more subjects for he's experiments

  2. Perhaps he's part of NIA's new "think tank"

  3. Nigel is dead, Susanna is next. Leave it at that or you may be next.

  4. With so many minds wiped, Nigel's experience has become more valuable than ever.

  5. I was just thinking Nigel's compound in South America would make a good base of operations for Oliver Lynton-Wolfe's new venture. He clearly had a working relationship with ADA and had worked with OLW before.

  6. Liberty Naud​ might have something to say in this matter

  7. Kalee Pha Nigel Moyer is Susanna Moyer's father. He experimented with XM dosing to enhance cryptographers' efficiency after WWII and had some connection to Bletchley Park before that.

  8. With a LOT of Ingress in game characters it's hard to tell if they are currently alive or dead.

  9. This is A Detection Algorithm we're talking about, any money that's available electronically, she would have access to move it to where ever she wants and do what ever she wants to with it.

    To me, this looks like Oliver Lynton-Wolfe and A Detection Algorithm are finally establishing a magnus group apart from 13Magnus and AntiMagnus.

  10. Kalee Pha He is Susanna Moyer's father. The have a very complex history. He experimented on his family with XM. Susanna was the only one who survived. She has not forgiven him entirely.

  11. Kosh TheRipper Yes. That is a credible theory.

  12. Mike Wissinger Indeed it would be. It was in Buenos Aires, as I recall. Associated with a sea monster.

  13. Edgar Allan Wright​, do you think that the sender is the same one that advised that Nigel and Susana Moyer could be next?

  14. Nigel would be a logical target for an OLW recruitment drive given their history.

  15. For me he is very well alive, Nigel is one of the few people that experimented the influence of XM so he might know lots of things that are unknown for A Detection Algorithm and Oliver Lynton-Wolfe

  16. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect if he's a simulacrum, age will not be a factor.

  17. Edgar Allan Wright​ don't you think, with the approach of the aegis Nova anomaly... the reappearence of Debra.. the return of the xm... it's kind of strange someone talk about Nigel... Perpahs he will be take a important role in future events... or he have some of the answers that are missing?

  18. welp, according to this note I just got, he's alive

  19. I think #tondopieno  should know the answer.

  20. simulacrum I think so he can not die

  21. Well, I have no evidence to suggest he is a simulacrum. I only have a suspicion. I could be totally off base but right now my gut is saying he is. I have learned a to follow my gut more where Niantic is concerned.

  22. no no, while true we do have facts but before we have the actual facts we come up with theories. I have found that most theories seem to pan out to be true. Not always of course but very often. We have almost no facts about Nigel Moyer and won't until Niantic releases the information. So the best we can do for now is theorize. There just is not hardly any information to go on about him. When when have more "facts" then we can theorize even more because Niantic is about 90% fact and 10% theory. Something like that, when we are trying to figure things out we sometimes get wildly outlandish theories but believe it or not the more of them the better because it makes people think outside the box and solve actual questions that can't be answered any other way because of lack of facts. When we have facts we use them, when we don't we theorize. You will learn a lot more about everyone if you read between the lines as well. It took a while to figure out the original 13 researchers but it was figured out long before the facts were ever released thanks to people using intuition and what information they had.

  23. Oh and the truth is in the patterns. But, you have to use some intuition in order to see them and figure things out. Also, when dealing with XM and such you have to look beyond the facts. The facts would say XM plus dark XM equals Satan, Dragons, Medussa etc......but intuition will tell you it is not literal. It is an effect that happens when they are mixed. A predictable and sometimes controllable effect, nothing more, nothing less. But, the actual facts Niantic has put out would suggest it is something horribly evil. So, try not to just be led by facts alone. Dead is not always dead in Niantics world. Anywhere else it is.....


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