
Showing posts from July, 2016

In answer to those of you who suggest that this mysterious new surge of portal activity is the prophesied "Nova" and...

In answer to those of you who suggest that this mysterious new surge of portal activity is the prophesied "Nova" and that the Nova crashing into the shield will unleash the New Wave many have asked about, I can only offer that I know nothing to refute that theory, but I can not confirm it, either. I suspect we will know much more very soon.

More Obsidias Fragments: I believe these are the last.

More Obsidias Fragments: I believe these are the last. I have been slow to come to this New Wave = Nova theory, but I am beginning to lend some credence to it. Processing now. Here are the two last fragments unearthed by flint dille in either Paris or Vienna. Perhaps he can enlighten us. (Pardon the pun). FRAGMENT 1: "I do not believe that Syphax’s masters reside solely in his mind. I believe they actually exist and actually speak to him. For I too have heard voices. Not intelligible voices, or voice that speak a known tongue, but voices that speak in a tongue that is understood deep within if not on the surface. Syphax has taken to wearing odd jewels and bits of metal, the meaning of which I do not understand. And I do not know that they are jewels as they seem to emit light of their own." FRAGMENT 2: "Along with the odd developments of Syphax, something very strange has become of Cybella. Her hair has suddenly turned white and her eyes are the radiant color...

I can now release two more fragments from Obsidias.

I can now release two more fragments from Obsidias. They are cryptic in and of themselves, but a picture is beginning to emerge which ominously reflects our current times. It is probably not an accident that these are surfacing now. FRAGMENT 1: "My life is like similar to living in a dream. I now understand some of Cybella’s powers. She would see our current place from a distant time and her observations were understood as prophesies. In those moments when I have found myself in uncharted and unknown lands, I truly believe that I have died and entered another world." FRAGMENT 2: In an ominous development, it seems that Syphax is navigating these worlds with Cybella and myself, but I am beginning to suspect that his mission is not so much to kill us for certainly he would have had that opportunity, but to follow us to distant times and places and carry out unknown missions ordered by unknown masters.

Forgive me for taking so much time with the Translations of flint dille's Obsidias harvests.

Forgive me for taking so much time with the Translations of flint dille's Obsidias harvests. They are complex. Here is second Obsidias text from near Vienna: It is as if the Shield has been pierced by thousands of arrows and there are places where time and space and other ethers leak back and forth. It is evident to me that some of these holes lead to other epochs, whilst remaining in the same location, for instance, this portal in Vindonium seems to move in time but not space as the eternal objects on the horizon remain the same and some of the buildings remain but often in dilapidated condition. Other portals seem to lead to different locations in regions entirely unknown to me. The portal will be high on snow covered hill but will lead to one by an ocean surrounded by tall fir trees.

Forgive my negligence.

Forgive my negligence. flint dille did indeed forward some Obsidias missives upon his return. I have some trepidation in posting them. I have stripped out some sections, frankly because I fear that I might jeopardize the lives of some who lived long ago on our string, but are very much alive in others. I have seen much lately that is difficult to explain. Here is a first installment from Obsidias. I believe it was planted in Britannia (a rRoman Province at the time) near Dover. Obsidias, who could not have known about quantum mechanics or string theory was experiencing very similar things to what I have been experiencing: "I have long since forsaken posting these missives. Now, I leave them near portals and trust that Cybella is transmitting them through whatever means to whoever might receive them. It seems that we have transcended both time and space in our journeys. I am beginning to understand that while there is a shield which separates us from whatever entities, di...