
Showing posts from October, 2015

Suspicion grows in me that Amaziah might be rogue antimagnus.

Suspicion grows in me that Amaziah might be rogue antimagnus. Prime artifact hunter.  And hunted.  I have no proof, but when I gazed on that ancient artwork of Jahan and Azmati's families, I saw one in the picture who might have been him, recursing and recursing through time.  I have no objective means to confirm this. But the Lovecraftian overtones, Mustafa's suggestions and Misty forms a pattern or maybe the pattern is, like so many patterns, an illusion. Does anybody see what I see?

Is this what the N'zeer taught the ancients?

Is this what the N'zeer taught the ancients?  And those shapes. Are they eerily prescient of something else?  And what they resolve to. The evolution.  I feel as if I have peered across the dimensions to the N'zeer. Start watching around 17:35 .  See is you see what I do.

I am quite interested in a certain figure known as Amaziah Lachish.

I am quite interested in a certain figure known as Amaziah Lachish.  He manifested in our investigation at a time when my consciousness was most scrambled...  Most disjointed.  What do we know of this person.  And for that matter, what do we know of this group which seems to parallel Essex known as #antimagnus ?

I am still assimilating the Jahan/Ada video.

I am still assimilating the Jahan/Ada video.   Still formulating past, present, future, alternative possibilities in the ominously titled computational substrate.   So much implication in so few words. Images of possibilities. And somewhere in there I felt the shade of Calvin. Everything he did and said in the decades I knew him takes on a new shade of meaning.  It is visible now from a different angle -- like viewing the world from inside the magician’s sleeve. Everything he did led to this moment, Whydah, Niantic...  Everything.  And yet he is not here for his triumph.   Or have I got it all wrong? Is he the villain or hero of the piece?  Is he the hand moving the pieces, or is he just a piece? Meditating. Contemplating. Assembling.

Carrie Campbell is a most interesting case.

Carrie Campbell is a most interesting case.  She died of mysterious glyphic causes a while back.  If she was sharded, then I would conclude that she was a simulacrum at the time of her death during, I believe, Operation Cassandra in Chicago. That leads to some very interesting questions. Most pregnant question to me is what we are likely to hear from a synthetic semiotician...   What has she seen or heard? How will she interpret it?

I have been meditating on the similarity between de-sharded investigators and 'shades' from mythology as seen in the...

I have been meditating on the similarity between de-sharded investigators and 'shades' from mythology as seen in the Odyssey, the Aeneid and even in the bible: .  Are these tales ancient tales of de-sharding?  And what does this tell us of the existence or location of Abaddon?

It is becoming more and more clear to me, from sources I can not currently disclose, that the fate of the Sharded...

It is becoming more and more clear to me, from sources I can not currently disclose, that the fate of the Sharded researchers and, indeed the fate of the cosmos is going to be in the hands of the Agents of Abaddon..  More on this later.

Excellent thought, yesterday.

Excellent thought, yesterday.  Excellent.  Today I am investigating Abbadon as a person or an entity.  Who would this Angel of Death be?  And maybe it is not physical death, but something different?  I am not sure that we yet have enough data to know the answer, but I am certain that the answer will be important so that it is time to start theorizing.   I suspect that while the exact details of the battle between the Shapers and N'zeer were shrouded in myth to the ancients, I do think they were as cognizant of the effects of it as we are.  Maybe more.  I think they were writing in code that they could barely decipher themselves. But I am not certain.

Here's is todays question.

Here's is todays question. We have all been seeing the word Abaddon around.  I am puzzled as to whether this is a reference to a place (synonym for Hades) or a person (Satan or Appylon)(sp).  Or is it something else?


Essexians: As has become evident to the more perspicacious, Verity and I are slowly releasing the Wright medal based on a complex set of criteria. And, as I am sure you are also aware, certain events have caused us both to spend considerable time avoiding those who would do us harm. The EAW medal will be awarded to those, both within Essex and without, who have gone above and beyond in helping the Niantic Investigation reach its maximum potential: By digging tirelessly for the truth... By working to mentor and educate others seeking to join the Investigation... By being a bastion of creativity and commitment.... And by working to maintain the positive momentum and sentiment within the Investigative community.  There are many such investigators, and we intend to ensure that, in time, each of them is duly recognized.  The process by which we will determine how this medal is bestowed is complex and does not necessarily imply order of merit. If you do not receive one right away and believe...

I am meditating today on the 'rules of nests.' We know that the Peshawar Anomaly was a 13Magnus Nest.

I am meditating today on the 'rules of nests.'  We know that the Peshawar Anomaly was a 13Magnus Nest.  I suspect, strongly that there was such a place in the Valley of the Dead (if memory serves, that was the name of Yuri's Anomaly).  I believe Jahan's palace to be such a place near Pune (and have frequently wondered about the rules of time and dimension there).  What other nests either 13MAGNUS or ANTI-MAGNUS have we identified?